Welcome to the ResNet Problem Report Forms for Saint Mary's College.

These forms are available for students to request assistance with technology, including connecting personally-owned devices to the campus network, Saint Mary's Network Accounts, and Google's Workspace for Education. Students can also use these forms to report issues in the computer clusters and classrooms on campus.

Please visit the ResNet website at http://www.saintmarys.edu/resnet for information on ResNet at Saint Mary's College, including the hours for the ResNet Office.

Please refer to the ResNet FAQ at http://www.saintmarys.edu/resnet/resnetfaq for answers to the most common questions that ResNet receives throughout the year.

ResNet will respond to requests for assistance via e-mail (resnet@saintmarys.edu) and via these forms during the academic year and summer.

Please do not expect responses during evenings and weekends.

The ResNet Office is scheduled to open on Thursday, August 22, 2024 for the 2024/2025 academic year. Requests for DeviceNet registrations will be addressed after the office opens.

If you are having problems completing a ResNet Problem Report Form, you may need to clear the cache of your web browser. Instructions for clearing the cache of most popular web browsers can be found at:

Saint Mary's faculty and staff should contact the Helpdesk for technology assistance.
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